10 Landing Page Best Practices for 2018

4 min readOct 26, 2017

Let’s start with the basics. What is the purpose of a landing page? According to Hubspot, it is to capture a visitor’s information through a conversion form. It should target a specific audience (buyer persona) with a specific need or interest while also capturing information about who they are and where they converted.

Landing pages typically allow qualified visitors to sign up to receive additional information, download content offers, or redeem other marketing offers (free trials, demos, or coupons). Through their content, landing pages pages allow you to target a specific audience, offer them something of value, and convert a higher percentage of visitors into leads.

It’s a no brainer that you need unique landing pages that support your company’s goals. The use of landing pages can increase conversions by 266%. Companies with 40 or more landing pages get 12 times more leads than those with 5 or less.

How can marketers make amazing landing pages in 2018? After studying several landing pages as well as their results, here are the landing page best practices you need for 2018.

Length matters. Landing pages with the goal of gathering leads or sign ups does best with 500 words or more. There is also evidence to suggest that lengthier landing pages, about 1000–2000 words) are also ideal. Consider the goal of your landing page. Is it to educate or to sign up? Make sure you landing page is clear from distraction and leads the user toward your conversion goal.

Define a path to conversion. The most effective marketers have a clear path to conversion mapped our before they build a landing page. Start by thinking about what information a the user needs to convert. Plan out how you can walk the user through that information and how it will be presented to the user (copy, video, imagery, CTA, etc.). Anticipate any hesitation they may have and plan out how you can address that on your landing page.

Focus on one topic. While your business likely has many products and services that complement each other, having one topic per landing page will aid in driving your user toward conversion. If you delve into multiple topics you risk distracting your user from the path to conversion you want them to go down.

Continue to test and optimize your landing pages. Only 11% of landing pages are redesigned for better conversion after they’re launched. Meaning if your landing page isn’t designed in a way that speaks to your audience, you’re missing out on leads. The best marketers are constantly testing and optimizing the various elements of their landing pages.

Give video a try. Only 14% of landing pages include a video. As long as the video you use compliments your conversion path and doesn’t distract from it, video could help engage visitors and effectively convey your message. There is emerging evidence to support that the right video may help give your conversion rates a boost. Stick to these simple rules when using video:

  • Use a good thumbnail so that clicking on it is tempting.
  • Put the main video above the fold.
  • Make sure the video is valuable to your audience and doesn’t distract them from the conversion path.
  • Don’t rely solely on the video to convey your message.
  • Size your video appropriately. Make sure it doesn’t scream for attention.

Use a subdomain. A subdomain is a third-level domain that’s part of the original top-level domain. Subdomains are beneficial from both an organizational aspect and can give you an SEO boost in a few ways:

Tell users how to connect with you. Over a third of landing pages included a phone number that connects users with sales reps. Keep in mind that depending on what phase of the buyer’s journey your landing page is targeting, the user may not be ready to speak with a salesperson. Give them other ways to connect like social media or a newsletter sign up.

Display a CTA above the fold. Use an eye catching CTA to drive users to action. The CTA should stand out clearly among the rest of the landing page’s content and should give users a clear idea of what will happen when the CTA is clicked. Use 1st person speech to create a sense of urgency.

Offer something of value. According to Neil Patel, one of the best ways to secure conversions is to give something valuable to your users in exchange for their information. Offer a download or other piece of information that will entice them to submit their informatoin. Be sure to convey that value throughout the landing page through the copy and visuals.

Use personalized copy. This doesn’t mean you need to know the user’s name before they visit your page (that would be creepy). Take this page from Zillow for example. It addresses the users as if Zillow is having a conversation with the user. It’s simple and provides clear direction.

You may also personalize by location like Airbnb has done on this landing page. Using the users location, they show them a present them with personalized information.

There you have it. The 10 landing page best practices for 2018. You’re set up to create some great, high-converting landing pages.

